Felnőtt tartalom!

Elmúltam 18 éves, belépek Még nem vagyok 18 éves
Ha felnőtt vagy, és szeretnéd, hogy az ilyen tartalmakhoz kiskorú ne férhessen hozzá, használj szűrőprogramot.

A belépéssel elfogadod a felnőtt tartalmakat közvetítő blogok megtekintési szabályait is.

A vietnámi háború

Írta: Monty H. Szólj hozzá!

“We wore American uniforms, but we spoke in Hungarian…”

Interview with Dr. Eugene Megyesy I happened to have the opportunity to interview another Hungarian-American veteran. This is always very interesting, as apart from the war, we also talk about the experiences of a well travelled fellow citizen. Dr. Eugene Megyesy was born in 1945, and like many of…

Címkék: in english

”A divide in the history of the United States”

Interview with Dr. Tamás Magyarics The US internal and foreign affairs of 1968 came up again and again in the articles of the last few months. And so came the idea to make an interview with one of my former teachers who is a well-known name not only for the students and tutors of Eötvös Lorand…


“I found time to draw cartoons of our officers..."

Interview with Phil Fehrenbacher I first saw Phil Fehrenbacher's Vietnam related cartoons on the internet... It did not take long for me to ask for his permission and put out some of his works on the Facebook page of this blog. And I was wondering about making an interview with him. Phil was very…


"We, the young generation, wish that the differences were obliterated..."

Interview with three young Vietnamese Having started doing interviews I would like to reach out for representatives of both sides, of course, and via one of my friends I got in touch with a Vietnamese medical student living here in Hungary, and I had the opportunity to ask her and her friends a few…


“I thought I should ask the Vietnamese pilots…”

Interview with Istvan Toperczer All those interested in military history, may know the name of Istvan Toperczer. Besides his articles published in various periodicals, he has written several books about the Vietnam conflict, to be more precise, about the air war over Vietnam. He was breaking fresh…


"All that mattered was the work, spending time in the field and staying alive to tell the story."

Interview with Laszlo Kondor It was in 1998 that I first heard about Laszlo Kondor when his photographs about the Vietnam War were exhibited in Budapest. A few years later I tried everywhere to contact him, but to no avail. Then, last November, I tried again and succeeded. That is how I finally met…

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